
Showing posts from December, 2017
Today we came into class dreading talking about mid-term exams! I cannot believe its already that time of year!!! It felt so far away but now its only a day away! That’s crazy! But today Mr. Schick was making us feel bad for not doing anything for his birthday like the honors class did. They made him two cakes both representing the two. Colors on a population pyramid. That was so sweet of them… but making us look really bad. But today we went over last years test for the mid terms exam and I was a little uneasy about some questions! But im going to study hard and like what Mr. Schick put next to me beautiful angel, “im gonna ace the exams”!!! But there are like 100 questions and an essay ! But hopefully when I study I will do great and ill have nothing to worry about!
Today in Human Geo class I was very surprised to see that Mr. Schick was not here today, because usually he is not on to miss a day of school. I’m a little worried but I’m sure everything is fine with my teacher. But today we got a chance to study and go over every little thing we have gone over the whole first and second quarters. The BIG mid-terms! I don’t know how to feel exactly because right now to have a midterm it seems like the last thing I want to do. The only thing good about it is that once you are done all of the tests and everything we have this super long break where we have no worries and no more test after that. I’m so excited for Christmas! Only 18 more days I believe. But I still have to study and work really hard to get a good grade on the BIG test so I don’t completely fail everything. But I believe I can DO This
Today, I was pleased to see walking into human geo that my angle was STILL up.   And someone left a nice not saying I was going to ace my exams. Yay! Till Dylan and Dom came over and made it say I wasn’t!!!! Not NICE! But overall today I’m tired and later I have to go to a swim meet so I’m not really feeling it. If you had read my last blog I didn’t feel confident on my pop quiz we took. Well ends up I didn’t do very well and I got a 60%... welp. But today we are going over it and now I know all the answers for exams and I’m going to be locked and loaded for the upcoming essays next week that I shall kill it.   But I still have time to study and be even more confident. But I’m still very nervous to see the outcome.