Today in Human Geo all the students came in and sat down. In the front of the class room stood our teacher. He had this greedy look on his face. Like he was about to tell us something that would ruin our day! And guess what… I was right! As he said the words I knew I would start out the day worse than I thought. “today we will be having a POP QUIZ”! WHAT!!! I know what your thinking! Why would your teacher give you a POP QUIZ in the bright and early morning when im basically asleep and can barley even hold my eyes open to look at the paper. But as soon as I got the paper I was alert! I rocked that quiz and I believe I did really good! But who knows maybe I’ll be totally wrong and end up getting a big fat F, but for now im pleased to say im very positive about the grade ill get on this quiz!


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