Today in Human Geo we didn’t really do much. All we did was sit for the first 15 minutes and take notes. But it was kind of interesting about what our teacher talked about.  The first 15 minutes of class we sat while Evelyn was flamed about how she lost her 200 worded blog which she had worked very hard on and POOF like that in an instant just gone. But during class I learned something new about Austin Texas! That insurance doesn’t provide Flood Insurance. Like what!!! And they just had that huge hurricane which flooded their houses and neighbor hoods. Our teacher told us that its because the insurance companies don’t want to be bank rupt when hurricanes do come and they have to pay for every ones flooding. So for that reason they don’t have flooding insurance. Which is terrible because now the people don’t only have a wrecked home but now they have to pay for it with their own money!


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